The Carrington Steam Works: Iron Pen

Conceptually, this project aims to activate the vacant streetscape that exists between Watt Street and Pacific Street. The proposed design strives to make the occupant more conscious of their surroundings and promote a connection to natural environment without ever having to leave the CBD.
Centred around the Steamworks and existing laneway, the proposal endeavours to draw passers-by in off of the main streets by altering the way people see and use the space. Functionally speaking, the laneway will no longer simply be a thoroughfare; it will exist as an extension of the surrounding streetscape and as a thriving corridor of unique retail spaces.
Heavy in raw steel, brick and concrete, the buildings’ detailing simultaneously harks back to Newcastle’s rich industrial history whilst also looking forward to its futures. The use of raw industrial materials in conjunction with natural vegetation will be used to highlight not only the amalgamation of its past and future, but also the contrast between the perennial nature of the vines and the inevitable corrosion of the untreated materials.
Once fully grown, the vies will cover much of the building’ exterior and will become an integral part of their identities. Through utilizing movable roofs, open-air sections, through site links and planting new vegetation, the connection between the building and site will be impressed on the occupant to the point where all cognisance of being in or outdoors disappears.